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Health is one of the parts of Vastu of your home.But when Vastu of any house is disturbed or imbalanced then residents have to face many health and wealth-related complications. There are many reasons for bad Vastu.


Fresh and good quality air: very often we ignore the quality of air inside our house. For good vastu we have to check the proper air flow should be maintained. We have to open windows for good airflow.

Sufficient natural light: another important thing is sunlight. In vastu along with fresh air, sunlight is important.  When sunlight come your home the destroy many bacteria’s and circulate positive energies. 

Bedroom: The health of a residence depends on the location and positioning of bad. In Vastu Shastra we get 16 directions, each direction has a different type of quality. 

Kitchen: similarly bedroom, the location of the kitchen is also affect our health. The fire element is present in the kitchen. The place of fire element at our home in the southeast direction. If the kitchen is located in the south-east zone of the house it will be very good for our health and wealth.

Geopathic  stress : geopathic stress is one of the major reason for bad health and diseases. If anybody lives in a geopathic zone for a long time he will suffer from low immunity, depression, tumours, diseases of the central nervous system, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, miscarriages and cancer.